“I haven’t slept this well since high school.”

How I Rewired My Sleep, Lowered My Stress, and Boosted My Energy.

From: The Desk Of John Constas
To: The Person Who Feels Stuck

Breathing is easy.Eating pie is easy.Glad we can agree on that.Sleeping should come just as easily.Not just dozing off for a few minutes.Not waking up every 2 hours because you get jolted awake by some unknown force.I used to wake up after hours upon hours of sleep and feel absolutely WRECKED.Bags under my eyes, groggy, getting out of bed was hard.As the day progressed I’d be yawning, grouchy, not having a good time, it was a pretty miserable experience for a couple reasons:I’m a pretty hard worker, always have been, and slogging through the day feeling like a sad, lazy, slow buffoon doesn’t feel good when you expect high performance out of yourself.I had a job to do, I had goals, I still do, checking things off the to-do list is REALLY hard when getting out of bed feels a massive accomplishment, and going to bed feels a punishment.During this time I was SUPER high-stress, it didn’t matter if the current issue was an actual big deal, or if it was miniscule, it FREAKED me out no matter what, I had a tough time keeping composure, was very emotional in private, and I could NOT for the life of me figure out what was wrong.Then I got my sleep in check.It was like a beautiful domino effect.One fell after another, and my life fell into place.I was energetic again, I literally felt like a kid.The dread, anxiety, insomnia, and mental instability began to vanish.I was quite literally a new man.All I did was change my habits.My sleep, fixed.Hours and hours of solid, deep, dark, restful, healing, slumber.Waking up with a skip in my step, some more love in my heart.It was like being in a cartoon I was so much more bouncy, energetic, and well-rested.Everything else improved with it…My weight.The muscle tone in my body.Intimacy.Daily experiences became more vibrant.I started to enjoy what I’d slowly lost interest in over the past decade.My relationships deepened.I really began to love my life again.My job was the same.Where I lived was the same.What changed were my habits, simple ones, that I just started doing every day.Let me take you on my journey, and show you EXACTLY how I did it.

You're in good company. 👇



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